More Florida Photos

Here are some more photos, mostly taken by Pearl, who was the Kinship photographer. The singers Jason & deMarco came to the retreat to do a concert right before my show. They also attended a workshop I led on the Ex-Gay Movement and ex-gay experiences many of us share. Marcos, the retreat organizer, did an amazing job of taking care of everyone and setting a friendly tone. Other pictures include the inside of a church in St. Augustine and some large birds that prowled around outside my room.
Ok, could Jason and deMarco be any hotter?
I only see inner beauty; I am not distracted by absolutely gorgeous Italian men with eyes that melt me into the floorboards of the mini van on the way to the airport.
I call dibs on DeMarco's ass. All other body parts among the duo are still up for grabs.
Daniel, whoa cowboy, I believe all parts of deMarco are fully accounted for between God and Jason, and I don't think you want to get all up in the middle of that threesome.
(but it does raise a question--if Christ is the bridegroom and the church is the bride, is Jesus polyamorous???)
Is Jesus polyamorous? Isn't that what the gospel teaches? - and it's certainly what Jesus appeared to practise - even if he didn't (as far we know) jump into bed with everyone. So how can I fall in deeply in love with such a guy when "all" I can see is inner beauty....?
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